Automate Import of Functions/WebAPI in Azure API Management as backend and using OpenAPI definition and Terraform

When hosting APIs in Azure it is more and more common to make them available for consumption via an API Management Gateway. The advantages of using a API Management gateway are well known. When adding a Function/WebAPI to an API Management gateway, the most common method is to add the Function/WebAPI as a backend in API Management and then exposing the Function/WebAPI as an API that uses this backend to process requests. There is a very simple way to do this using the Azure Portal. The portal allows connecting an existing Function or WebAPI inside the API Management gateway. The portal now also allows to expose a function/web api from the action pane of functions and web api. While this makes it very easy to add APIs to API Management gateway using the portal, this would very soon become unmanageable and for more complex and automated environments, the obvious tilt would then be towards a automated deployment using one of the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) possibilities....